Sunday, January 8, 2012

He is rewriting our story

So with 2012 being a New Year I have been seeking God for His plans, His will and His calling for my life. During a really precious prayer time He whispered the most beautiful statement- "I saved you". This has so many meanings. He saved me from making bad choices in life, saved me from my own plans, radically saved my soul, and He has even saved me from myself... I was so in awe that with babies starving in Africa, wars, natural disasters every where we turn, and in the midst of this utterly broken world, He took time to whisper that beautiful statement. Only moments later did a dear friend email me a beautiful letter and within it my verse for this season. Exodus 14:14 " The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." What a timely and powerful verse. I'm claiming it over my life and hoping you do as well. He wants to rewrite your story. We may have added a chapter here and there but His end remains. He is always so willing to meet us where we are at, take our hand and lead us back. He wants to right our wrongs. Let Him do this. Let Him trade your ashes for His beauty. He fights for us we need only BE STILL...


  1. Jaclyn, I am so excited about what God is doing in your life. I cannot wait to read what God puts in your heart. Indeed, God saved you ! What a powerful statement. May He continue to use you in a beautiful way. You are such a blessing to me and I love you. God Bless.

    Caroline M

  2. Jaclyn, thanks... along with you, maybe many others can look to God and say with Esther" for such a time as this"
